Connells Group has secured planning approval for a new premises at a former Hays Travel in Ebbw Vale.
The site comprises a ground-floor commercial property with a floorspace of approximately 900 sq ft on 14 Bethcar Street.
Aside from a change of use from a shop to an estate agency no external or internal alterations are proposed to the building, which is located within the Ebbw Vale town centre and primary retail area.
The property is currently vacant with its last use being a Hays Travel Agents.
The change of use was approved at a meeting of Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council’s Planning Committee on Thursday 7 September.
Planning officer, Joanne White said: “It’s located within Ebbw Vale town centre in the primary retail area with the last use of the property being an A1 (retail) with it formally known as Hays Travel Agents.
“There are no internal alterations are proposed and any new signage would be subject to a separate planning application unless allowed under permitted development rights.
“No public objections have been received.”
White said that the council’s Planning Policy team had confirmed that the application fell foul of policy DM5 of the Local Development Plan (LDP) which “restricts changes of use in the primary retail area to A1 uses only.”
“However, there are other material considerations to take into account when determining the application,” said Mrs White.
White added that the property had been marketed for sale as an A1 use retail unit but there had been no interest in it.
She recommended deviating from the policy and approving the application as it “would be more beneficial for the primary retail area to have units in use.”
Cllr Wayne Hodgins said: “It was said that this was previously a travel agents, and they sell us holidays, and an estate agents sells us houses.
“I can’t see really any major issue here as they are of a similar usage.”
Cllr David Wilkshire added: “Empty shops make the town look terrible I’m all in favour of this.”
Councillors unanimously voted in favour of the application.