Boris Johnson has denied that he used the phrase “let the bodies pile high” and the former Prime Minister dismissed the claims as “absurd.”
It was Johnson’s former aide Dominic Cummings made the claims in his 233 page witness statement to the Covid Inquiry.
He told Lady Hallett’s probe: “I am accused by the usual sources of saying that I would rather ‘let the bodies pile high’ than impose another lockdown.
“As I have already said on the record, I did not say this.
“What makes this especially absurd is that I am supposed to have said it on 31 October 2020, when the decision to lock down had in fact already been taken.”
Cummings alleged that Johnson said he would rather “let the bodies pile high” than see the economy b hit with further restrictions, this claim was also backed up by former aide Lord Udny-Lister.
Johnson also told the inquiry that he rejects the idea he would have injected himself with Covid to prove it is not a threat.
He told the inquiry, “The later suggestion that, in around March 2020, I volunteered to be injected with the virus on live TV.
“I reject and attach little credence to the source of that account.”