A landlord has spoken out to defend a substantial rent increase after its tenant complained about his eviction to the local newspaper.
Richard Symonds told Sussex World that he was “shocked, angry and anxious” to be told of a £275-a-month increase on the property in Ifield Street, Crawley, which he couldn’t pay. He added: “This outrageous demand is causing me distress and adversely affecting my health.”
The property was first rented by Richard’s late mother and he moved in to become her carer after she had a fall. He has now been served an eviction notice and told the newspaper: “I’m shocked by the sheer scale of it.”
But the landlord said that while it was sympathetic, it had kept the rent at an affordable price for the former elderly tenant, Mr Symond’s mother, for years as a goodwill gesture.
When she died in November 2019, he took over the tenancy at the same rental price – subsidised by Crawley Council until March 2021, which then reduced his monthly housing benefit payment by £250.
“Mr Symonds was worried about falling into debt and potentially having to leave the property,” said the landlord. “As a kindness, we agreed to reduce the rent to £825, allowing him to remain in the property and also to reduce the financial strain.
As it stands, this rental figure is well below market value, with similar properties achieving in excess of £1,200 pcm. Regrettably, this rental figure is not sustainable and even with the proposed increase, the rent would still be below market value.”
Read advice about rent rises.