Some people may take an hour or more every morning to make sure their hair is washed, dried, straightened and styled, whether or not they are going anywhere in particular.
For others, their hair is simply something to keep their head warm, but regardless of how much you value and even love your hair, when finding that strands are falling out at a higher rate than usual, you would understandably be concerned.
Here are the four leading causes of hair loss in adults:
1. Regular colours or perms
Especially for women, between the hairdryer, the straighteners, the curling tongs and the hair dye, not to mention the regular trips to the professional hairdresser, your hair is placed under a great deal of stress, especially over the long term.
Sometimes, and it is important to note that this is absolutely not a guarantee, excessive perms, colouring and styling can damage the hair at the roots and lead to hair loss. Unfortunately, once a hair follicle is damaged, it is unlikely to produce new growth, so it is important to treat your hair carefully and with respect.
2. Hormone imbalance
Another common reason why your hair may be starting to fall out at a higher rate than the normal bunch of strands when you brush your hair could be a sign of a hormone imbalance, especially for women.
Now, there are many reasons why your hormone balance could be slightly out of whack, such as maybe you have just started taking the contraceptive pill or have started on anti-depressants. However, a more serious reason why you may be experiencing hair loss from a hormone balance could be due to PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) which leads to cysts on the ovaries.
Should you want to look into a prescription ointment or tablets for hair loss, reputable and established online pharmacies, such as Chemist Click, will deliver your monthly or one-off prescriptions directly through your postbox in non-descript packaging.
3. Scalp Psoriasis
Anyone who has been diagnosed with the skin condition psoriasis will know the frustration when friends or even strangers they meet compare their own patches of eczema with psoriasis, as the two are completely different, with psoriasis being the more serious of the two.
There are many causes for psoriasis, one of the most common being heightened levels of stress and anxiety. Therefore, psoriasis is often a sign of depression and other forms of mental illness.
If a person with psoriasis feels patches of scalp psoriasis on their head, this could lead to hair loss, and although there is currently no cure for this skin disease, medicated shampoos and ointments could help.
4. Alopecia
The medical term for hair loss, to varying levels of severity, is alopecia, and contrary to what many people think, it is not just the term for someone who has lost all their body hair.
If a person is actually diagnosed with alopecia, there is often a chance their hair will grow back fully in the future, and some people go with this option rather than paying for private treatment, which is not guaranteed to be successful.