Landlords who rent properties to vets are being encouraged to join a new group so they can discuss problems, exchange information and learn about what it means to be a professional landlord.
The Veterinary Landlords’ Association (VLA) which has yet to establish a website, already has 211 members who rent more than 400 properties to firms including IVC Evidensia, CVS, Vet Medics and VetPartners, and smaller independents.
VLA chairman Richard Rowe tells the Vet Times he’s been astonished by how rapidly the group has grown.
“Most of our members are former practice owners and may not fully understand commercial leases or that being a landlord is a big job in itself,” he says.
Unusual position
“Veterinary landlords are in a relatively unusual position, being small businesses leasing premises to multi-billion-pound companies. We hope to redress that imbalance to mutual benefit.”
Vice-chairman Richard Stephenson adds: “We realise the importance of developing good communication and positive relationships with our tenants. We have already had the property director of one of the big corporates – IVC – come to a VLA meeting to explain how he intends to improve their systems to the benefit of both parties.”
The group will hold online meetings every two months featuring speakers ranging from specialists in property law, to valuations, building renovations, dilapidations and rent reviews.
It hopes to offer members a platform where they can better understand lease terms, building valuations, insurance, and maintenance. It will also collect data on rental values, compliance of tenants with lease terms and negotiation outcomes, as well as supporting members during negotiations to renew leases or those selling practices.