Private landlords across could soon face even stronger measures after a new additional HMO (Houses in Multiple Occupation) licensing scheme was proposed for the borough.
Following a cabinet meeting that took place on Tuesday 19 September, members of Haringey Council offered their backing for a consultation to go ahead.
The local authority says that introducing a new scheme will enable the council to take a proactive approach to enforcement against poor property conditions. But it will also allow the council to raise even more money from landlords.
Haringey landlords who have failed to license their HMO have been issued with fines amounting to £207,500 to date.
Some 59 warnings were given to landlords who rented out their unlicensed to at least three people who are not from the same household but share facilities like a bathroom and kitchen, of which 43 resulted in fines.
With the existing additional HMO Licensing scheme coming to an end on 26th May 2024, the council has moved swiftly to propose a new scheme.
With around 40% of residents living in the PRS across the borough, HMOs are a much-needed and affordable option for accommodation, as well as an easy target for the local authority when it comes to issuing financial penalties.
Cllr Sarah Williams, cabinet member for housing services, private renters and planning, said: “The council is committed to ensuring that Haringey residents have access to a safe, sustainable, and affordable home.
“The new additional HMO scheme will provide a clear regulatory framework to support the many good landlords in Haringey, while giving the council powers to act against rouge landlords.
“Nearly half of Haringey’s population are living in a private rented home, and we estimate that a quarter of these homes are in poor condition. This additional scheme will give us the tools we need to improve the condition of homes in the private rented sector. I’d like to encourage as many people as possible to take part.”