Mike Cook, chief executive officer at Leaders Romans Group, said: “We are committed to an inclusive and collaborative culture; one which celebrates diversity and the benefits that it brings to the workplace – including creativity, problem solving and customer and stakeholders relations.
“We use internal training, regular communications, an Employee Voice Group and an annual employee engagement survey to ensure that equality, diversity, and inclusion are at the forefront of everyone’s minds.
“Our company-wide policies and objectives ensure that all employees have the same opportunities, are treated fairly, and feel safe enough to speak up if they witness or experience discrimination.
“In our latest employee engagement survey, 97% of LRG employees said they believed cultures and backgrounds are valued and respected at the organisation, and when asked about diversity and inclusion, 97% thought that it is important to the leadership and management team.”
He added that with women making up 63% of the firm’s staff, “policies to encourage and support women include our recently announced fertility benefit, a menopause policy and enhanced maternity leave. We also support Pride month, run Mental Health Awareness courses and our learning management system addresses accessibility by providing different language settings and speed levels.
“So we are proud to sign Property Week’s ‘Inspiring Diversity in Property’ pledge. The campaign both aligns with our own values and showcases the excellent progress that the property industry is making in its move towards diversity and inclusivity.”
Download the pledge here, then email the signed version to inspiringdiversity@London Wallet to confirm your commitment and feature in our social media campaign, or take a personal pledge to make a change here.
Property Week’s inaugural Inspiring Women in Property Awards took place on 5 October at the Hilton London Metropole recognising outstanding achievements by individuals, teams and commendable corporate initiatives that have made remarkable contributions to improving gender imbalance in the UK property and real estate industry.
Learn more about the winners who took home the prizes and why.