Vail Williams has launched a campaign to raise awareness of the menopause.
Menopause Matters, which kicked off with a management awareness course run by a specialist and attended by LLP members, will launch a range of initiatives throughout 2023, including practical support, a menopause ‘first aid kit’ for each office and a wider awareness programme for all staff.
The campaign comes as the government rejects proposals from the Women and Equalities Committee for ‘menopause leave’ pilot schemes and changes to the Equality Act to make menopause a ‘protected characteristic’.
Tanya Horscroft, learning & development manager at Vail Williams, said: “As an Investors in People Gold accredited company it was important to us that we embraced this topic.
“Without knowledge, understanding is almost impossible. The awareness course was deployed to help build stronger relationships via compassionate understanding and expanded comprehension of the issue.”
Menopausal symptoms affect 75% of women and a survey by the British Menopause Society revealed that 45% of respondents felt these symptoms had a negative impact on their work.
Another survey, by People Management, reported that 18% of women surveyed, were looking to leave their jobs because of their symptoms.
Horscroft added: “Knowing it will affect people within our business, we are committed to developing awareness around this issue and supporting our women throughout this often-tumultuous stage of their lives.”
The first awareness course was carried out by Nicola Green Consultancy – a Dorset-based specialist in menopause awareness for the workplace.
She commented: “I am always inspired to work with organisations who understand the need to address and support menopause in their workplace, but often do not know where to start.
“Vail Williams created the perfect introduction to this topic by asking me to provide a manager awareness session.
“In order to retain and support employees, whose lives maybe, directly or indirectly, impacted by the varying stages of menopause; it is of paramount importance that managers have some knowledge and understanding of this topic.
“Whilst no one is expecting managers to become menopause experts; the simple fact that they have attended an awareness session immediately provides greater knowledge and confidence in their role of supporting others. Employees will also feel reassured when approaching their manager for support.”
Russell Miller, Vail Williams Partner, based in Bournemouth, said the course had provided senior managers with more awareness, knowledge and the tools that they can now apply within the business.
He said: “The provision of property consultancy services is a people-business, and it is essential that we embrace diversity and have empathy with people at different stages of their lives and careers.
“In this respect, we are particularly conscious of the effects that the menopause can have on some people, and we have been keen to raise awareness and understanding of what can be a sensitive issue for employers and employees alike.
“As managers, we need to keep challenging ourselves and our responses to situations.
“Having heard her Nicola’s own experiences first-hand, we feel much better equipped to support our colleagues – to listen to their experiences, signpost them to additional support and, most importantly, support them to feel comfortable talking about this important issue.”